****Are you the problem solver, we are looking for? If you are ready to be part of this exciting journey, we welcome you to solve this treasure hunt by 1st of August, 2024.

Candidates who solve it by the due date gets shortlisted for the next round; where we would love to know more about you. The further steps would be communicated through the email.

For the time being, here is the assignment / puzzle.

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Dear Candidates,

We are a band of modern-day treasure hunters on the brink of our biggest adventure yet, and we need someone with your unique skills to join our quest. Today, mysterious photos and cryptic clues appeared in our mailbox, and we believe these seven clues are the key to discovering where a treasure of a $100 million could be buried. These photos are of Bangalore location, which means treasure is somewhere here. But what could be the exact location.

We need your help to decipher these clues and get to the exact location and what that address could point to. Each clue corresponds to one of the images in this packet, but we don’t know which image matches with which clue. The final answer—a location where the treasure is hidden could be revealed from the combined word made with these clues.


Clue 1: You saw your favourite cricketer on the board, but that’s not the clue. Find the company this cricketer endorses and invested in. Take the first letter of that company and keep moving.

Clue 2: Speeding down the road, you encounter a dead end where a Bollywood diva beckons. You’re not here for the glitz; your eyes are drawn to a brand name below her. Take the first letter and carry on.

Clue 3: At a bustling intersection, the aroma of your favourite non-veg dish tempts you from a window. Pinpoint the restaurant name and convert the first word into a number. This number is your third clue. Clue 4: Speed limits are always a hassle. Discover the speed limit on the road sign and note the first number. This number propels you forward.

Clue 5: Healthcare startups ignite your curiosity. Find the image with the maximum number of medical shops. Among them, identify the branded one — it features a mathematical symbol in its name. Pick the symbol and move ahead.

Clue 6: Diamonds are your best friend. Find the diamond shop in the image. Next to it, a unique, single-lettered brand stands out. Grab that letter and proceed.

Clue 7: Finally, you reach the last clue. Your love for sportswear is your compass. Behind the pole, a brand name waits. Take the first letter and brace for the final reveal.

How to Solve: